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Monday, July 18, 2011

and the wedding style of the summer is...

hands down, this summer I have done dozens of side swept styles. loose curls swept off the back of your neck over to the side, messy buns, you name it, it's all off to the side. it's all very romantic, but still classic, so it's a great style for everyone and it's easy for the bridesmaids to wear. This style can be done with long hair or short hair too, so it's somewhat uniform for the brides that like that, but unique to each girl at the same time. here's some of my favorites so far...

Becky Oxborrow, bridesmaid

swept more to the left so that you can see her hair from the front in pictures.

Jenn Sherfield, Bride

Jamie, bridesmaid

Ashley Anderson, Bride, with clip in extensions

I have gotten the privilege of doing several weddings this summer and I honestly would do weddings every weekend if I could. to be such a big part of that sacred day is just such a gift. I had the most beautiful brides inside and out and made my job super simple and really fun! I'll post some more of the weddings later!


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